Daniel Schaffer

Lead pastor      


Daniel has been at Holly Naz since January 2015.

He started out as the worship leader in June 2015. Became the Connections Pastor in April 2017. He was appointed the Lead Pastor on May 14, 2018.

Daniel has a heart for the community of Holly and hopes to see people being saved and sanctified by the Lord and Savior of the world Jesus Christ.

Daniel and Sandra have been married since November 1999 and have 4 wonderful children. Both Daniel and Sandra look forward to serving our community of Holly.




Will Ogle

Worship Leader   


My life has been blessed in many ways. I was led by the Lord to lead Praise and Worship. My wife, Debbie, and I have been blessed with 3 children and have experienced the joy of having 8 Grandchildren.


My favorite bible verse: Isaiah 41:10

Fear not for I am with thee
Be not dismayed for I am thy God
I will strengthen thee and I will help thee
I will up hold thee with the righteous right hand




Diane Miller

Children's Leader   


Children's ministries are divided into three areas: Nursery, Lower Elementary, and Upper Elementary. The nursery cares for children from birth to 4 years of age; there is a cry room with a speaker for hearing the service. Lower Elementary is 5 to 7 years old. Upper Elementary is 8-12 years old.


Ed Miller 

Facility Manager & Treasurer  


Ed is an integral part of our church family. He cares for our building as well as the people who come into it.